Electron Diffraction
Electron Diffraction workshop-Nov.17 You are warmly welcomed to attend [...]
Electron Diffraction workshop-Nov.17 You are warmly welcomed to attend [...]
EDI workshop: Non-Violent Communication The QCAM organizes jointly with [...]
The Quebec Advanced Materials Forum Keen on collaborative research [...]
Bourse de voyage pour Bordeaux Quatre membres étudiants CQMF [...]
New hope for the destruction of chemical weapons "New [...]
Concordia University job offers Two [...]
The polymer-electrolyte battery The effect of defects: let’s discover [...]
Offre postdoctoral en chimie organique et polymères à l’université [...]
Funding for research infrastructure Prof. Nikolay Kornienkosecures funding from the Canadian [...]
Webinar on Scientific Writing The Quebec Center for Advanced [...]